Ailment: Toothache
Remedy: Garlic
Garlic, healing properties, how to avoid bad breath, garlic tea, how to make garlic oil.

Comment posted by eli of moscow, moscow, russia on 12 January 2014 at 10:1 1691
i used garlic for a toothache. was doing coconut oil pulling and it must have drawn up some hidden germs. The die off (the effect of dying toxic waste) came on slowly...first i lost appetite and in two days the pain kicked in. bad wisdom tooth pain. put garlic to the side of my mouth and even held it to the gum line...pain gone! anyone interested google alicin - thats whats inside the garlic that helps. it helps as its the most powerful antibiotic
Comment posted by joe joe of perris, ca, usa on 31 December 2013 at 19:9 1660
i gave my wife a garlic clove to rub against her infected swollen cheeks. instant relief...wow, the power of the earth......by the way, she used orejel before the garlic and the orejel didn't do a damn thing...
Comment posted by David of minneapolis, mnm, USA on 30 December 2013 at 17:43 1657
I have one tooth on top and five on bottom of my mouth. I swallow a teaspoon of minced garlic or chop a clove and swallow it every day because all the broken teeth caused indiscribable pain and I was becoming addicted to pain killers, garlic works better by far.
Comment posted by Tony C of Tampa, FL, USA on 30 December 2013 at 6:34 1656
Wow! I was just reading all the other posts. My mouth has been aching and causing my entire face and head to hurt. I have garlic powder in the house, so I poured a tablespoon of it into a papertowel and then doused quickly under faucet water to make it lumpy like a smashed clove would be, then took my finger and rubbed it around the tooth and gum and then put more in my mouth and swished it around and let it sit in my mouth for 10 minutes. It is the best my head has felt in 24 hours.
Comment posted by Jose of Powder Springs, GA, USA on 27 December 2013 at 8:55 1648
I do not have dental insurance with my medical plan. Last week I developed an intense pain on my crown (molar). It was very painful to the touch by finger or by another tooth. I started taking 1000mg of aspirin to kill the pain. After the second day, the pain went do the left side of my jaw and I could sense an infection was starting. I decided to search online for toothache OTC meds. I found this website and after reading the first couple of comments, I decided to go to the kitchen and try some garlic. It was around 11:00 pm.
I smashed the clove and placed it in my mouth. I finished chewing on it until it was in little pieces and let it go to the side with the pain. It burned intensively (as others had commented) and I already knew it would. However, after a few minutes I felt better. The next day, the swelling had stopped and the pain on the crown was almost gone. I am still using the garlic to make sure it is all gone. However, I can now eat and chew on teh side with the crown with no pain. I am a believer and I recommend the garalic to anyone with a toothache.
Comment posted by Sarathy of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India on 8 December 2013 at 5:45 1601
Only ten minutes before posting this i had a bad tooth pain. After reading this page I too tried garlic. I am still having garlic in my mouth in between my cheek and gums. Really its working well..thank you all for letting me know about wonderful home medicine garlic
Comment posted by kmonn0728 of slippery rock , pa, Untied States on 22 November 2013 at 21:25 1563
I have a broken tooth with the nerve exposed, I tried everything to get it to go away! I finally googled home remedies for a broken tooth pain and it lead me to use garlic! I didn't have any fresh garlic so I used garlic powder I opened a new toothbrush got a lot of garlic powder on it and put it all over the broken tooth and gum it burnt really bad for about 5 mins but after that pain was gone. well tonight the pain woke me up I tried this again and again it worked! I might actually be able to sleep tonight!
Comment posted by Cami of Fort Wayne , Indiana, USA on 19 November 2013 at 17:57 1555
Pregnant and had a filling come out. Pain meds, Clove oil, and temporary fillings quit working. Excruciating pain!!! Remembered hearing about garlic, chewed a clove on the tooth w missing filling. Burnt like crazy and had to spit it out! However, 10 minutes later I am still experiencing no pain what so ever!!!!!:) thank The Lord for garlic!!!!
Comment posted by Marie of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA on 15 November 2013 at 6:58 1546
I've been battling an oral fistula for the last five days. It was at its worst the first day it appeared, the size of a pencil eraser and whitish. I immediately began oil pulling with coconut oil 3 times daily, followed by a gentle brushing and flossing, and rinsing well with salt water (using sea salt). Within 48 hours, this had improved it a LOT - it was much smaller and less white and it's been getting steadily better ever since, but there's still a tiny little blister that's a little sore. I want to knock this thing completely out, so I thought I'd give garlic a try in addition to the oil pulling and sea salt water. I just minced a bit of fresh garlic and added sea salt and warm water and rinsed well with that (it was strong enough to tingle and burn in my mouth just a bit, but not bad at all). I have no idea as of yet if it's going to help get rid of that little blister, but it did completely take the soreness away within minutes. I have a massive case of garlic breath, but my gums feel great. :)
I'll try to remember to post again if it does get rid of that last little blister...
Comment posted by johnkingjohnking of Seoul, Gyeongi , South Korea on 12 November 2013 at 11:0 1538
Damn it! Prescriptions are a scam. I took a quarter clove of garlic and a glass of water and that pain is gone. Don't know how long it will last but whoah! Garlic is amazing. Read no further.