Abnormal growth of hair (Hypertrichosis)
What is hypertrichosis?
Remedies / cures / treatment for hypertrichosis
What is hypertrichosis?
Hypertrichosis is an abnormal amount of hair on parts of the body which would not be expected for the patient's age, sex or race. It is a medical condition which can be congenital (genetic) or acquired after birth.
Congenital forms of hypertrichosis are caused by genetic mutations and are extremely rare. It usually causes excessive hair growth in males in the upper body including the face, while in women it affects hair distribution.
Acquired hypertrichosis involves the rapid growth of hair on the face including the cheeks, chin and upper lip. The armpits, arms, trunk and legs may also be affected. It generally presents as an increase in both hair density and length.
Acquired hypertrichosis may be caused by the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs; as a side effect of some cancers; and possibly by some eating disorders. Acquired hypertrichosis can usually be reduced with treatments which address the particular cause.
Hirsutism is a type of hypertrichosis exclusive to women and children. It is caused by an excess of male and androgen hormones. Patients with hirsutism exhibit patterns of adult male hair growth with beards and moustaches on the face. Excessive hair on the chest and back may also be present on women. Other symptoms can include acne, deepening of the voice, irregular menstrual periods, and the formation of a more masculine body shape. The most common cause of hirsutism is high levels of androgens, which can be treated with medications that reduce androgen levels. Some birth control pills also reduce androgen levels.
Remedies / cures / treatment for hypertrichosis
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See details of remedies recommended by Grow Youthful visitors, and their experience with them.
- Coconut oil and flaxseed oil mixture. Use fresh flaxseed oil, the fresher the better. It works best if you can grind your own flaxseed oil. Mix equal quantities with coconut oil. Apply to the skin immediately after plucking out the unwanted hairs.
- Alum and rosewater. Dip a shaving alum block into a cup of rose water and rub it onto the unwanted hair and skin, particularly after waxing. It is not a quick treatment, but will gradually reduce the thickness of the unwanted hairs and blonde their colour.
- Mint tea - drink peppermint or spearmint tea daily. This acts as an antagonist to male hormones, in particular it significantly reduces testosterone levels.
- Electrolysis is not a home remedy, is expensive, and is very slow. It can take over a year to get good results.
- Laser treatment. This is not a home remedy and is expensive. For many people it is not very successful, particularly if you have blonde or light coloured hair. I have heard of cases where laser treatment has made the problem worse.