Grow Youthful: How to Slow Your Aging and Enjoy Extraordinary Health
Grow Youthful: How to Slow Your Aging and Enjoy Extraordinary Health

Golden rules for profitable pharmaceutical drugs

The Golden rules

Full control by big pharma

Soft laws for big pharma, near-impossible laws for everyone else

The outcome


The Golden rules for pharmaceutical drugs

  1. Do NOT cure the ailment! A cured patient is a lost profit stream. The most profitable customer is a sick child. The next most profitable is a sick adult.
  2. Rapidly relieve symptoms immediately after a dose. Relief continues for only a limited time until the next dose is due.
  3. Lock in the customer. Keep the patient as a customer for the remainder of his or her life. The best drugs are addictive and almost impossible to discontinue.
  4. Hide, discredit or outlaw every possible alternative to your drug.
  5. Have monopoly pricing. This is achieved with a secure patent, being available only under pharma company and doctor control, and not having competition from other companies, traditional remedies or pesky natural products. With monopoly pricing, you can extract every dollar each patient is capable of paying.
  6. Vaccines sell a thousand times more. People will only buy a drug when they are sick, but everyone who fears a disease will buy a vaccine.
  7. The greater the fear, the greater your sales.
  8. Have side-effects that lead to the sales of your other products. Best if there are a wide variety of side-effects that only occur after a long period, otherwise it is tricky to deny liability.

Full control by big pharma

The above strategies are so profitable that in 2013 the pharmaceutical industry sold over USD$1 trillion worldwide. More recent sales data is kept secret. (1) With this kind of money the big players can afford to bribe politicians and own the regulators and decision makers.

Big pharma has now reached the point where they have the money and connections for absolute control over every aspect of medical regulation. They can afford to buy the laws they want that favour their own pharmaceutical products with outrageous bias, and ban or outlaw non-pharmaceutical products that actually work. Big pharma also own the government medical and health regulatory bodies, and control virtually all the money for research, most universities in the Western world, the educational curricula for all medical degrees, and the traditional media (TV and big newspapers).

Their power and media ownership is so extensive that most people are unaware of how much death, pain and suffering pharmaceuticals cause throughout the world. Virtually all bad publicity concerning drugs is hushed up. Officially, the fourth most common cause of death in the USA is adverse drug reactions caused by pharmaceutical medicines. If over 250,000 Americans are killed each year by pharmaceutical medications, consider how many more are alive but suffering from their side-effects? I also suspect 250,000 dead is way too low as it only represents cases admitted to by doctors, insurance companies and medical associations.

Soft laws for big pharma, near-impossible laws for everyone else

Practically every pharmaceutical medicine has horrible side-effects. A single course of antibiotics can destroy a large part of the body's biome, causing a variety of ailments for the remainder of your life. (Only one remedy, natural and un-patentable, can reverse this damage.) Another example: Proton-pump inhibitors are a group of drugs which reduce gastric acid production. They follow the rules for a profitable drug - they don't cure acid reflux or GERD because they do the exact opposite to what is required; they provide short-term relief; they keep you dependent for the rest of your life; and they cause a variety of seemingly unrelated side-effects. There are other examples ad infinitum.

In the media you seldom hear how a simple or traditional home remedy is more effective than any pharmaceutical drug. Instead, these cheap home remedies are deliberately discredited and frequently outlawed. Several wonderful home remedies that are about as toxic as table salt, by law have to carry a label saying "POISON".

If a healthy remedy or food does the slightest harm to an individual, it may be banned, even after a single case. In contrast, pharmaceutical medicines routinely cause pain, suffering, maiming and death to millions of people and somehow none of it comes to our attention. (4) For example, in October 2010 the importation of brown seaweed with an iodine content of more than 1gm per kilo was outlawed in Australia. This ban effectively outlaws kelp, the best natural and food source of iodine. Most people are chronically deficient and consuming kelp would improve the health of millions of people.

Here at Grow Youthful I detail many other remedies that are miraculously successful, but which few people know about.

A study (2) showed that lack of knowledge is the main reason why people don't use effective natural therapies. It confirmed that educated people willing to do their own research into alternatives to pharmaceutical and mainstream medicine are achieving better health outcomes.

The outcome

  1. Pharmaceutical companies do not (legally) have to sell you the best cure for anything.
  2. So they don't. Instead, they sell you their most profitable drug.
  3. Even if it's only slightly effective, or not effective at all, or harmful.
  4. Most pharmaceutical drugs have terrible side-effects.
  5. Doctors work with, and are educated by pharmaceutical companies.
  6. "The USA has the most expensive, bureaucratic, wasteful, and ineffective health-care system in the world." (3)


1. The Pharmaceutical Industry in Figures, Key Data 2013. European Federation of Pharmaceutica Industries and Associations. Retrieved online 12 September 2014. I examined the 2021 report but total retail sales are now obfuscated. Before covid the figure had probably risen to aver USD1.5 trillion, but after covid with the sales of vaccines and the huge increases in all-cause sickness in countries with covid mandates, the pharmaceutical industry has enjoyed dramatic growth surrounded in secrecy.

2. Adam Burke, Richard L. Nahin, Barbara J. Stussman. Limited Health Knowledge as a Reason for Non-Use of Four Common Complementary Health Practices. PLOS One, Published: 17 June 2015, 2015DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0129336.

3. Institute of Medicine, Committee on Population, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, and Panel on Understanding Cross-National Health Differences Among High-Income Countries. in: SH Woolf, A Laudan (Eds.) US health in international perspective: shorter lives, poorer health. National Academies Press, Washington, DC; 2013.

4. Light DW, Lexchin J, Darrow JJ. Institutional corruption of pharmaceuticals and the myth of safe and effective drugs. J Law Med Ethics. 2013 Fall;41(3):590-600. doi: 10.1111/jlme.12068. PMID: 24088149.