Grow Youthful: How to Slow Your Aging and Enjoy Extraordinary Health
Grow Youthful: How to Slow Your Aging and Enjoy Extraordinary Health


What are bruises?

Bruise symptoms

Causes of bruises

Prevention / remedies / cures / treatment for bruises

What are bruises?

Bruises are blue-black markings caused by blunt impact on some part of the body. The trauma causes capillaries to rupture, letting blood seep into the surrounding tissue.

Bruises are one of the most frequent trivial injuries. Minor bruises are harmless and only a cosmetic annoyance that normally heals in a few days. However extensive, painful and deep bruising where the trauma caused additional injury such as a fracture or internal bleeding, warrants medical examination because of the risk of a blood clot forming that can travel to other parts of the body and block a blood vessel (an embolism). Heart attack or stroke can be caused by an embolism.

Bruise symptoms

Causes of bruises

Prevention / remedies / cures / treatment for bruises

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