For centuries, traditional French and other Europena chefs have known that the most delicious cakes, breads, pancakes and pastries are made by soaking their flour along with a culture. The best are made with some form of cultured milk.
If you are allergic to milk, you can use water with a small amount of whey.
In order to break down the enzyme-inhibitors in all dry grains, grains or flours need to be soaked for at least 8 hours, and preferably 24 hours. After this time the phytic acids, complex starches, difficult to digest proteins and irritating tannins are broken down, and the grain becomes easily digestible. This traditional slow "sourdough" method of baking has been lost to modern commercial baaking, which often prepares and bakes the product in 2-3 hours.
Moist Orange Lemon Cake recipe
Banana Bread recipe
Zucchini Bread recipe
Apricot Almond Bread recipe