Ailment: Acid Reflux
Remedy: Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
Baking soda / sodium bicarbonate. How to use it as a home remedy, why it works, and warnings on its use.
Lemon juice and baking soda may also be of interest
Baking soda / sodium bicarbonate and lemon juice, how to use this mixture, a potent traditional home remedy.

Comment posted by David Niven Miller of Perth, WA, Australia on 23 June 2012 at 12:27 679
In reply to Jaques:
please read the page on salt and the link on sodium bicarbonate at the top of this page. Hopefully they will explain how to use these sodium compounds healthfully.
Question posted by jaques of brighton, sussex, england on 22 June 2012 at 2:22 678
baking soda may alkalise the system but sodium is salt and bad for anyone with high blood pressure and cholestorol, how would you get around that?
Comment posted by David Niven Miller of Perth, WA, Australia on 7 June 2010 at 19:59 264
Apple cider vinegar and fresh lemon / lime / citrus juice are our most effective and voted for remedies for acid reflux / heartburn. Read above why is it beneficial to take them with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).
Baking soda is also a fantastic way to alkalise the body, and is a great remedy for many skin ailments.