Ailment: Dry skin
Remedy: Apple Cider Vinegar

Question posted by shawn of antwep, NY, Belgium on 11 September 2012 at 21:18 740
How long did it take to see noticeable effects on your skin?
Comment posted by Linda of Seattle, WA, USA on 22 January 2011 at 20:21 429
I have been combing my 14 year-old litter mate kitties with Organic/Mother ACV and rubbing it on their necks and massaging it into their fur. At first, I thought they would cringe from the smell, but they don't seam to even notice and actually look forward to it and welcome the combings and massage. Has greatly improved their impaired digestion - very tiny dry stools like sawdust, now larger and moist, coats now very soft, and improving their flakey dry skin and itching.
Remedy (new) posted by DougN of Perth, WA, Australia on 11 May 2010 at 20:26 173
Apple cider vinegar is just amazing. When I drink it (according to the instructions for the Remedy), my skin glows and clears. At first I thougt that as it is so acid, when I put it on my skin it would be harmful, but no - my skin is now soft and smooth