Ailment: Psychological problems
Remedy: Ginger tea
Take a piece of fresh ginger, the size of your thumbnail, or bigger if you like your tea strong. Crush it, put it in a mug and fill with hot or boiling water. Leave it to steep for 5 minutes.
Fresh ginger is available at most grocers and Asian stores. Dried ginger powder has different properties and is not as effective. Similarly, ginger tea bags are not very effective.

Comment posted by Ubah of Rotterdam, south holland, Nederland on 30 January 2012 at 4:24 574
I use ginger for one week and it improves my depression. I feel happy and active in hause werk. Its great.
Remedy (new) posted by David Niven Miller of Perth, WA, Australia on 6 May 2010 at 19:15 158
Try a glass off ginger tea to help with depression. This is an ancient ayurvedic remedy. I personally do not have experience with it, and would be grateful for feedback from anyone who has tried it. Thanks!