Ailment: Phlebitis
Remedy: Lemon juice and baking soda
Baking soda / sodium bicarbonate and lemon juice, how to use this mixture, a potent traditional home remedy.
Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) may also be of interest
Baking soda / sodium bicarbonate. How to use it as a home remedy, why it works, and warnings on its use.
Remedy (new) posted by Mani of Cebu, Cebu, Philippines on 3 May 2010 at 14:28 141
My sister has suffered from varicose veins for several years. She has a job where she has to stand quite a lot, and this seems to set it off. Last week I told her about the lemon juice and sodium bicarb remedy. She phoned me the next day to say she was amazed at the improvement, and then yesterday after a week she said her
phlebitis is practically gone. Just from two or three glasses of a simple drink each day! She is going to be travelling in the next few weeks and was worried about getting a blood clot during the flight. She knows about drinking plenty of water, getting up and moving around, and wearing loose clothing. But her rapid cure after drinking this miracle water has set her mind at rest. Thank you so much.