Grow Youthful: How to Slow Your Aging and Enjoy Extraordinary Health
Grow Youthful: How to Slow Your Aging and Enjoy Extraordinary Health

Varicose Veins

What are varicose veins?

Symptoms of varicose veins

Causes of varicose veins

Prevention / remedies / cures / treatment for varicose veins


What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are bluish, lumpy, distorted, enlarged veins with a knotted look that bulge beneath the skin. They most commonly develop inside the leg, on the back of the calf, or around the ankles. They mostly appear in the legs and feet though any vein can be affected.

Varicose veins are caused by faulty valves in the veins, loss of elasticity in the veins, and weakened vein walls. This lets deoxygenated (blue) blood pool and visibly enlarge the veins.

Standing or sitting upright for long periods puts greater pressure on the circulatory system of the lower body, and the veins in the leg must work against gravity to return blood to the heart.

Varicose veins often occur together with spider veins. Spider veins are sprawling web-like veins just beneath the skin, usually occurring on the thighs, face, neck or upper arms. While being unsightly, they are usually harmless. People want to treat them for cosmetic reasons, and home remedies have results similar to more expensive and invasive doctor's treatments.

Symptoms of varicose veins

Causes of varicose veins

Prevention / remedies / cures / treatment for varicose veins

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