Grow Youthful: How to Slow Your Aging and Enjoy Extraordinary Health
Grow Youthful: How to Slow Your Aging and Enjoy Extraordinary Health

Ailment: Herpes simplex

Remedy: Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide H2O2. What it is, healing properties, uses, remedies and treatments, how to use it, possible reactions, warnings, and what to buy (and what not to buy).

Comment posted by Unfortunate News of Buffalo, NY, USA on 12 August 2013 at 14:24       1316

To you, Chick 383..........I am not an authority regarding this therapy but I just reached 25 drops and am on my way down right now and never had a stomach problem. My initial thoughts were to ask are you taking the mixture on an empty stomach? You have to, 1 hr before a meal and 3 hr after. 8oz distilled water only, the chlorine/minerals will negate the H2O2 and contents in your stomach will foam/interact which could be causing the problems. Something else that I wanted to add from my previous post, not only is it important to follow the correct chemistry but....something that I found more difficult than that is to enact rigidity in the timing when you take the liquid. It seriously interrupts your normal eating/drinking schedule and takes a form of discipline to do so. I have no idea if this plan will work but I have been documenting and researching the plausibility for success and I think it could be possible. Normally the specific antibody count will decrease when the threat is no longer present or diminish as a natural body function. That is the goal to remove the threat and continue to check to see if the antibody count lowers below 1.10. Stay focused everyone.

Comment posted by Chick383 of Miami, Fl, USA on 12 August 2013 at 2:45       1313

And I had a huge stomach problems with bad fever followed by huge outbreak that lasted a month and was worse that i can remember, is it true u cured ur condition? I m just really scared to start over again, I got to 15 drops when I start feeling my stomach getting irritated, do u increase the amount of water together with drops?

Comment posted by Unfortunate News of Buffalo, NY, USA on 8 August 2013 at 10:39       1307

Hello all.....I found out I have HSV-1 & HSV-2 July of '13 and had no idea I had either! My blood anti-bodies were 4.47 for HSV-1 & 7.63 for HSV-2. I have no symptoms or outbreaks. Since that time, I have been doing a huge amount of research about the disease, technical characteristics and this H2O2 therapy. I am up to 22 drops right now and no side effects and feel no different. After reading what is out there (internet) about the virus and the people on here who have attempted the H2O2 regimen, it would appear the results do not favor overcoming the invader. From what I understand about what is trying to be accomplished and the chemistry involved, I believe most people either are not using the proper liquids and/or utilizing poor discipline in applying the procedure. There are instructions for what to use, how much and when BUT I see people just do not follow the anticipated way in following thru and that may be a factor in the undesired results. I will state what I have been following because that is how this treatment should be taken and hopefully if enough people follow the guidelines, perhaps there would be more happy stories. * 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide only! Distilled water only! Empty stomach only! 3 drops (3x day) up to 25 drops (3x day) in 8 oz water, then back down to 3 drops (3x day). Until everyone adheres to the exact same routine, we cannot expect repetitive or accurate results. Not only that, I notice that most people on here do not follow up with their results again, more information is needed and there is obviously no one voice on this. I hate that I got the bad news but I have striving for good news. I will have a blood test taken in Sep ’13 to check the outcome.

Comment posted by Me of Little rock, Ar, United states on 4 July 2013 at 0:52       1253

I have been using 35% hydrogen peroxide in apple juice 3 times a day at 25 drops. I started with 3 and worked my way up to 25. I stayed at 25 and now have been at this amount for a month. I had pains in my legs and constant break outs. I can say that I have no more pain and I will get a small OB during healing crisis and I get really sick for a few days. If u suffered like I did being sick for a couple days is a small price to pay. Once the crisis passes I feel better than ever. It is worth it. For those who say it doesn't work bc theirs is too bad, u just haven't been doing it long enough. Keep it up u will get results. I won't lie to you and tell u it's not a long road tho bc it is.

Question posted by Jay of Waco, texas, United States on 29 June 2013 at 2:12       1242

I had my first out break start a week or so ago and a blister showed up about 7 days ago and it seems like a new one shows up every 2 days or so. I assume that ive had the virus for a long period of time but always tested negative to the anti body test. I was under TONS of stress which i think might have trigured it. I even retested about a few days ago about 2 days after the first blister and of course the blood test came back negative but im convinced it is herpes. Ive started the hydrogen peroxide treatment and im on day two. Some people say this treatment works while others do not. For the ones that it dosent work why not stay on the treatment since it has tons of other health benifits and maybe it will eventually work. Also is there anyone out there that tested negative for anti body test as well as the blood test that looks for the virus?

Comment posted by jAY of vancouver , bc, canada on 26 June 2013 at 4:0       1233

It only works on some people, I tried the same thing and it didn't cure them

Comment posted by Stoked of Steamboat Springs, CO, USA on 11 June 2013 at 12:11       1193

Started at 3 drops 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide in 6 oz. of water, 3 times a day, increasing to 25 drops, and back down to 3. I am on a program that discourages eating white flour, and you must ingest the H2O2 mixture at least an hour before meals, or three hours after. I was also instructed to continue on 3 drops, 3 times a day for an additional month. I was pretty faithful to the instructions during the first part, but have since slacked. Still, I have had no outbreaks since about mid-way through the therapy. When you get to higher doses it is common to have an outbreak, because the increased oxygen in the system stirs up the virus. The outbreak only lasted 2 hours and didn't even break the skin. I have had none since. One of my triggers is chapped lips, and I had a spot that would normally balloon up with a cold sore, but instead it just healed like normal skin. I think I've kicked cold sores. I highly recommend this method!:)

Comment posted by Jessica of Santa Barbara, CA, USA on 7 June 2013 at 19:42       1188

hydrogen peroxide is a good way to test if you have any virus on the outside. If you get white spots it could be bacterial or yeast but if its spotty probably its the virus. Definitly is good to clean yourself wiht h2O2 before having sex with partner, plus condom. I douch with 3% and no issues. I also make sure he uses the peroxide before and after sex to make sure. I've been doing 75 drops for over 35 days and today found one lesion. Very small and not painful, but its definitly a sign that its good to continue with the peroxide for a few months to get any of the hidden viruses. I know a man in his 60s who takes 20 drops a day (10 twice a day) in distilled water and he has been doing it for over a year. If he can do it, most people can do it long term. Its kind of like fighting cancer, everyone is different, but if you know that something kills a virus then its only a matter of time until is kills it all. I'm not discouraged, just a little disappointed that with my high doses not everything was killed. But I'm sure I will kill it all, just being patient. Even if i tested negative and didn't have any outbreaks I would still keep on the regimen for a few months or even a year. One thing I have to admit is that I know my partner really loves me to take the risk to be with me, at least that much is positive :)

Side-effects posted by Jessica of Santa Barbara, CA, USA on 4 June 2013 at 9:34       1181

its normal to increase in outbreaks and the lesions are your body reacting and attacking the virus. Its like fevers, runny nose, coughing, hives etc, its your bodies reaction to the pathogen not the pathogen itself, that's why only a few people get cold sores when 80% of us have herpes virus 1, the only changing factor is the individual and how their body reacts. All though it make you sick at least you know its working. just keep it at the low dose, it may take more time, but over time you'll get the full dose.

Comment posted by Jessica of Santa Barbara, CA, USA on 3 June 2013 at 13:28       1178

I just completed a month of the 35% Food grade h202. I did 75 drops (25 3 times a day) everyday this month, no side effects. now that I am in month 2 i'm slowly going down (now doing 60 drops a day for a week). I just got a nebulizer so I'm going to start using it. Anyone have a formula for 35% food grade with water? strong as I can go is best. BTW for all future participants in this program I learned you have to stay away from antioxidants (wine, vitamin e, berries) because they undo the oxygen ions that kill the virus. Feeling super energized from the h202 and I'm careful about what I mix with it. Since it effects my heart rate and liver I watch my alcohol because one is an upper and the other a downer. if the hydrogen peroxide hasn't worked yet for you just keep on it. the fact is that it does kill the virus but how long and easy depends on the person.

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