Ailment: Nail fungus
Remedy: Hydrogen peroxide

Comment posted by Dan of Perth, WA, Australia on 28 March 2013 at 0:46 1058
I got "35%" from nightingale pharmacy in south lake, after using it or a few weeks and having no improvements, I put 1 drop on my skin, knowing it should oxidize, nothing at all.
So I ordered H2O2 test strips, and after testing a diluted solution I've determined I was sold 3%
I'll be heading back to nightingales and demanding they refund my money.
Will be trying a supplier on eBay.
Comment posted by tania of Takaka, golden bay, new zealand on 14 November 2011 at 15:27 527
It is safe to use 35% diluted 1x HP-10x water.
You need to be totally committed to a regime of washing with soap, cutting the nails as far back as you can and applying the HP at least twice a day. I applied with cotton wool and went over toes as well. Try this for at least 1 x month.
My nails are slowly growing out the fungus, it takes a long time. But they are looking a lot better. Wash your clippers or anything else coming into contact with the fungus with the HP.
Good luck.
Question posted by Darren of Warana, QLD, Australia on 4 November 2011 at 20:18 522
Hi, I am curious if 35% h2o2 can be used on toenail fungal problems? If so, how much would I use or what dilution would it be? Has anyone cured this difficult problem?