Ailment: Weak digestion
Remedy: Ginger tea
Take a piece of fresh ginger, the size of your thumbnail, or bigger if you like your tea strong. Crush it, put it in a mug and fill with hot or boiling water. Leave it to steep for 5 minutes.
Fresh ginger is available at most grocers and Asian stores. Dried ginger powder has different properties and is not as effective. Similarly, ginger tea bags are not very effective.

Comment posted by tweedie of noida, Uttar Pradesh, India on 24 October 2011 at 14:1 517
I had major health issues.
1. I was unable to sleep due to acid reflux which I developed due to bad life style. I used to bleach/burp a lot.
2. I developed swelling and pain in joints. Quite severe.
3. I had hypertention, acidity. I also developed a heart condition.
4. Use to get severe headaches when stressed out.
5. My skin used to itch all the time. It was dull and dry.
Remedy: I started using raw turmeric. I am unable to make a paste of 1 tsp raw turmeric. So I grate 1 tsp of fresh raw turmeric and fresh ginger root. Crush 2 pepercorns. Add 100 ml water and bring to a boil. The water will turn a pretty redish color. Reduce the amount to 25ml. Add 1 cup (approx 250-300 ml of milk to the red water. The milk will turn yellow. Bring to a boil. Strain, add sugar ( as little as possible). Drink after dinner, before going to bed. Take it for nothing less than 3-4 wks depending on the severity of the condition.
My skin feels good. There is a glow on the skin. The swelling is gone. Pain has reduced to a minimum. I am sleeping better.I have stopped burping. Instead I am able to pass gas(flatulence). A lot in the beginning when I started the turmeric milk. My digestion I feel has improved.