Ailment: Obesity
Remedy: Brushing - body brushing
Comment posted by Katrinka of Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada on 15 May 2013 at 19:11 1156
I would like to mention the fact that I stopped drinking coffee and sugar in early April 2013. My weight was around 159 lbs. I then started body-brushing once a day. After a few days of body-brushing I started doing it twice a day. I found I was more energized with twice a day. I then stopped using grain products. Breads, pastas, cereals. I stopped the grains (breads, pastas) around the end of April, 2013. By May I had incorporated iodine drops, magnesium oil in a spray (which I rub into my body all over), green smoothies, and the paleo eating. Yet knowing all this I also use ACV,(2 tbls acv, 1 tsp raw honey, 1 tsp baking soda which neutralizes the acidity in the vinegar) And yes, using organic apple cider vinegar (with the mother) is best. I am using 5%. I am now 151 lbs and am feeling cleaner inside out. When I did the iodine patch as suggested by you David, my patch on the inside of my arm completely disappeared within two hours. OMG! Now I will increase the drops from four to eight as suggested. Also the importance of the magnesium is not to be neglected. So I will update about how its going.