Ailment: Hives
Remedy: Oatmeal bath
An oatmeal bath gives immediate relief to itching from insect bites, chicken pox, poison ivy, poison oak and hives. It reduces inflammation and is a great skin conditioner.
Put 1 cup of uncooked oats in a clean cotton sock, and tie the open end in a knot. Place the sock in a large pot of warm water and let it soak for 30 minutes. Run your bath, and tip the water and sock into the bath. Use the oatmeal sock like a washing flannel. Don't rinse off the oat water when you get out, just dry yourself as normal. It gives hours of relief.
Remedy (new) posted by David Niven Miller of Perth, WA, Australia on 19 July 2010 at 13:28 327
Make a lukewarm oatmeal bath and soak for 15-20 minutes.