Grow Youthful: How to Slow Your Aging and Enjoy Extraordinary Health
Grow Youthful: How to Slow Your Aging and Enjoy Extraordinary Health

Ailment: Haemorrhoids

Remedy: Squat to eliminate

Squat rather than sit on the toilet. This is the natural position for humans. Piles, haemorrhoids, varicose veins, distended colon.

Comment posted by Karen of Arvada, Colorado, United Stated on 20 May 2013 at 12:43       1166

Okay, so, I started getting interested recently because I heard a gal on youtube say be sure to squat, and I was not sure what she meant so I looked it up. Makes total sense, so I marched right in to the bathroom just now, placed my feet on the seat and did it. I had success, though my guess is that over time the position will be way better, and even serve to improve my bone alignment as well as my organs and nerves. Since I eat mostly organic and have no pharmaceuticals in my system, I have good potential for composting my own waste, so I might set up a new toileting system. I feel kind of different already after that. I do suffer from 'sneeze pees' and have had problems with my rectum during my period, and other abdominal issues have surfaced throughout my life. I will update you to let you know if anything improves.

Comment posted by Amanda of Canberra, ACT, Australia on 26 September 2011 at 14:40       506

Without a special seat you can still get close to the squat position by picking up your heels, leaning forward and putting your weight in the balls of your feet. If you need a brief push to get things moving push into your toes/ball of foot, not your butt veins. (if you need to push any more, don't!... buy an enema kit (uses water to ease things out) or a non-medicated suppository made from glycerol from your local chemist.

Comment posted by Maria Louisa of Nevada City, CA, USA on 26 March 2011 at 6:9       451

To squat or not to squat? That is the question. Actually, your toileting technique may also have an effect on urinary incontinence. There is a lot of evidence to show that the Asian technique of using the toilet goes a long way to maintaining better pelvic health than the Western technique, says professor Ajay Rane, James Cook University of Medicine (Australia) consultant urogynecologist and pelvic reconstructive surgeon. According to Rane, a study done in Hong Kong showed that city-dwelling women had more urinary incontinence and bowel problems than country dwelling women. "The basic differences in these women were not their body weight, or how many children they had, but their toileting habits," he says. In general, women in urban areas use the "sit" method while the rural women use "squat" toilets. "Basically, we believe that the study suggests squatting causes the angle of the pelvis to relax much better and give better pressure. When you are sitting, you do not have the right relaxation of the muscles and the angle of the pelvis," he says. "I strongly believe that the squatting technique has tremendous beneficial effects on the pelvis."

Remedy (new) posted by David Niven Miller of Perth, WA, Australia on 13 May 2010 at 14:44       189

Squatting definitely helps relieve the pressure on fissures or haemorrhoids, and the tendency to keep breaking them open every time you have the tiniest bit of constipation. Also, whilst squatting is not exactly exercise, I find when I squat every day, it tends to stretch my calf muscles, and some of the muscles around my pelvis that don't get stretched when I am sitting all day. It feels good.

Remedy (new) posted by David Niven Miller of Perth, WA, Australia on 30 April 2010 at 19:50       137

Squatting presses the thighs against the abdomen, helping to fully evacuate the cecum and ascending colon on the right side of the large colon. On the left side, the puborectalis muscle relaxes and straightens the path to the anus. If you have to use a sit-up toilet, raising the feet even a little helps, as does bending the chest forward to bring it closer to the thighs. Of course, it is not as beneficial as the full natural squatting position.
Young children who have shorter legs have the biggest problem, with their legs hanging over the toilet bowl and feet not touching the floor. They cannot raise their thighs or bend their chest forward easily. As a result, their colon is left totally unsupported.
It is worth noting that toddlers instinctively squat when sitting potties/toilets and well-meaning adults don't come into the picture.