Ailment: Herpes simplex
Remedy: Apple Cider Vinegar
Comment posted by Jeneen N of Columbia, MO, USA on 4 November 2012 at 13:16 797
I have had genital herpes for twelve years and all I can say that it was destroying me little by little. So happy to have found your site, you were a Godsend! At the time I had lots of stress in my life, so I had outbreak after outbreak! I was desperate. Over the years I've tried all kinds of pharmaceutical ointments and they work somewhat after a period of days have gone by, but never really nail it. I decided to try Apple Cider Vinegar and it worked better than anything else I have tried. Now no itching or tingling, all gone. Depending on where the sore is I soak a large cotton ball in ACV and tape it in place, or else soak part of a bandage wrap in apple cider vinegar and then wrap it around the problem area. I then put a piece of tape over the wrap to hold it in place and let the ACV do its work and go to bed. The first night I did it I applied ACV via cotton swab and it stung a little when I put it on but not too bad. I slept with the swab on infected area and the next morning... OH MY GOSH! It was almost gone. Now I have much fewer outbreaks and I am looking at a recovery time of 2 maybe 3 days as opposed to 7 maybe 10 days. The next day the swelling is completely gone and the blister is done. With the exception of me knowing where the blister was you can't even tell I've had anything. Let it work overnight while you sleep. ACV won't bother your skin at all, it’s actually really good for your skin. Hope this helps.
Remedy (new) posted by Colin59 of Busselton, WA, Australia on 27 April 2010 at 0:15 111
Apply neat to blisters, it will sting a bit. Also drink it three times per day with water, one tablespoon in a glass of water. If you apply ACV to the lips or affected areas frequently during the first 24 hours after the tingling, you can skip the burning and breakout phase and start crusting over and healing in four days.