Grow Youthful: How to Slow Your Aging and Enjoy Extraordinary Health
Grow Youthful: How to Slow Your Aging and Enjoy Extraordinary Health

Erectile Dysfunction

What is erectile dysfunction?

Risk factors for erectile dysfunction

Physical causes of erectile dysfunction

Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction

Remedies / treatment for erectile dysfunction


What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED, impotence) is when a man cannot attain a firm erection to have sex. A healthy man should be able to have normal erections at any age. When suffering from ED, he may be incapable of getting an erection, or it may be soft or last for a short period. Erectile dysfunction can occur at any age, affecting one in five men who are 20 years and older. (1) It is four times more common in men in their 60's than men in their 40's. (1) Occasional difficulty maintaining an erection is not necessarily a cause for concern. However, if the problem is persistent it is stressful and can affect self-esteem and relationships. It may also be a warning that other problems need to be investigated.

Low libido or lack of sex drive is common in women but unusual in men. Lack of libido in men should not be confused with erectile dysfunction. Most men with ED still have a normal sex drive.

Erectile dysfunction can have vascular, hormonal, neurological or psychological causes, so depending on the cause the remedy that solves a particular individual's case may vary

Risk factors for erectile dysfunction

Physical causes of erectile dysfunction

Physical causes of erectile dysfunction are common. They include:

Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction

If you often wake up in the night or early in the morning with a firm, hard erection, then your erectile dysfunction probably has a psychological rather than physical cause. Another confirmation that the cause is psychological is if you can get and maintain an erection when comfortably masturbating on your own with no time pressure or other disturbance, but not with a partner. Obviously, pressure for sex and performance from your partner or yourself will not help.

An excellent healing training is to take plenty of time to masturbate, to hold an erection, and NOT to ejaculate. Withholding ejaculation is an important exercise, especially for older men. Success breeds success, and a loving and understanding partner is important at this time.

Remedies / treatment for erectile dysfunction


1. Christopher S. Saigal, Hunter Wessells, Jennifer Pace,Matt Schonlau, Timothy J. Wilt. Predictors and Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction in a Racially Diverse Population. Journal of Urology (2000;163:460-463).

2. Schrader SM, Breitenstein MJ, Clark JC, Lowe BD, Turner TW. Nocturnal penile tumescence and rigidity testing in bicycling patrol officers. J Androl. 2002 Nov-Dec;23(6):927-34.

3. Zadik Y, Bechor R, Galor S, Justo D, Heruti RJ. Erectile dysfunction might be associated with chronic periodontal disease: two ends of the cardiovascular spectrum. J Sex Med. 2009 Apr;6(4):1111-6. Epub 2008 Dec 15.

4. Constance G. Bacon, Murray A. Mittleman, Ichiro Kawachi, Edward Giovannucci, Dale B. Glasser, Eric B. Rimm. Sexual Function in Men Older Than 50 Years of Age: Results from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study. Ann Intern Med. 5 August 2003;139(3):161-168.

5. Anderson KE, Rosner W, Khan MS, New MI, Pang SY, Wissel PS, Kappas A. Diet-hormone interactions: protein/carbohydrate ratio alters reciprocally the plasma levels of testosterone and cortisol and their respective binding globulins in man. Life Sci. 1987 May 4;40(18):1761-8.

6. Michael Gleeson, Nicolette C Bishop. Special Feature for the Olympics: Effects of Excercise on the Immune System. Immunology and Cell Biology (2000) 78, 554-561; doi:10.1111/j.1440-1711.2000.t01-6-x.