What is cancer?
The six (now seven) hallmarks of cancer
Symptoms of cancer
Cancer is a disease of energy metabolism
Causes of cancer
Causes of damage to mitochondria
Why oncologists don't get it, and don't want to get it
3BP is an effective treatment using the energy model
Anthelmintic benzimidazole drugs
Cancer remedies / treatments / prevention
What is cancer?
Conventional doctors and standard medicine describe cancer (the medical description is malignant neoplasm) as a broad group of over 200 diseases in which cell growth and communication gets out of control. A cancerous group of cells divide and grow abnormally. They can form malignant tumours, invade and destroy adjacent tissue, or metastasise (spread to other locations throughout the body via lymph or blood). Most cancers form a tumour, but some such as leukaemia do not.
Not all tumours are cancerous. Benign tumours do not grow uncontrollably, do not invade neighbouring tissues, and do not metastasise.
The standard medical treatment for cancer is a combination of one or more of chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery. When using these treatments, the survival rate depends upon the type and location of the cancer, the health of the patient, and the extent of disease at the start of treatment.
The risk of cancer increases with age, and the majority of people who are diagnosed with an invasive cancer are over the age of 65. The most common types of cancer in children are leukaemia, brain tumours, lymphomas and blastomas. According to the WHO, cancer caused about 17% of all human deaths worldwide in 2016, up from 13% in 2007. The most common forms are lung, stomach, liver, colorectal and breast cancer. Cancer is the leading cause of death in developed countries, and the second most common cause in developing countries.
Rates are rising as more people live to an older age and live a more cancer-prone lifestyle.
The six (now seven) hallmarks of cancer
- Cancer cells stimulate their own growth.
- Resist growth-suppressing signals.
- Resist apoptosis (cell death).
- Are able to multiply indefinitely.
- Can grow new blood vessels for tumour growth.
- Spread to other parts of the body (metastasis).
- In 2010 Weinberg (18) updated his list by suggesting that there was a seventh hallmark, "reprogramming of energy metabolism". This is an important characteristic of cancer. However, he did not go as far as explaining how or why this reprogramming occurs.
Symptoms of cancer
When a cancer starts, it produces no symptoms. Signs and symptoms only appear as it grows, progresses or ulcerates. At first, the symptoms may be mild, non-specific, and similar to the symptoms that occur with a variety of other conditions. It is not uncommon for early-stage patients to be treated for other ailments that cause the same symptoms.
The local symptoms of a cancer are caused by the mass of a tumour, or its ulceration. Blockages, lumps, swelling, bleeding or the build-up of fluid in the chest or abdomen can occur. Initially cancers are usually painless, and pain occurs only in advanced stages.
The systemic or generalised symptoms of cancer are weight loss, fever, being excessively tired, and changes to the skin. Other more specific symptoms for some types of cancers may include clubbing of the fingers and nails, and nerve disorders.
When metastasis occurs, the lymph nodes, liver or spleen can swell, affected bones may fracture, and neurological symptoms can occur.
Cancer is a disease of energy metabolism
All life, whether we are talking about plants, animals, germs or the modern-day economy, is dependent on energy. Otto Warburg was well aware of this, and in 1906 decided to investigate how cancer cells obtained and used their energy.
The fact that cancer is a hotchpotch of different growths, affecting different organs and tissues, convinced Warburg that cancer was a problem of energy metabolism. Nothing else would explain the myriad of different ways that cancer manifests.
All animal cells are powered by aerobic respiration, which is the production of energy using oxygen. If there is insufficient oxygen, such as when swimming under water, sprinting flat out, or lifting weights to the max, then energy is created anaerobically. Anaerobic energy always produces lactic acid, and in 1924 Warburg showed that cancer cells produce lactic acid. The process by which cancer cells ferment glucose rather than burning it with oxygen is known as the Warburg effect. The Warburg effect occurs in all cancer cells without exception. (19, 21, 34, 42, 84)
Warburg concluded that cancer is caused by a permanent alteration to the respiration mechanism in a cell. This alteration involves damaging of the cell's mitochondria, so that it no longer produces sufficient ATP (the normal energy molecule). To compensate for the lack of ATP, cancer cells generate energy by fermenting glucose. Fermentation is done without oxygen, in fact oxygen stops the fermentation process. (19, 34, 84)
Research as early as 1987 proved that cancer has metabolic and not genetic origins. (22) This was confirmed by work at the University of Vermont done by Warren Schaeffer. It was all ignored by the National Cancer Institute (an organisation that represents the interests of the cancer industry).
"When cancer is framed as a metabolic disease, the entire paradigm of treatment is turned inside out. Doctors are treating a single disease, and they are treating "sick" cells, not the immortal super-cells that genetic theory paints them as." (27, 34, 35, 42, 84)
Causes of cancer
Continual eating. The average American has seventeen "eating events" per day. Their blood glucose is continually elevated, and insulin and other hormones are kept at artificially high (or low) levels all day. A nonstop diet high in sugar, refined and processed foods (39, 41, 43, 44) is almost certainly the major cause of cancer. Cancer cells are highly dependent on glucose, and die if they have to use ketones or fats for energy.
Damaged mitochondria. Mitochondria are the energy generators in every cell. They take the glucose in the blood and convert it into ATP, the energy molecule. When mitochondria are damaged, cells revert to fermenting glucose to get their energy. Cancer rapidly appears in this environment. Mitochondria are discussed below, along with a list of causes of damage.
Stress - Negative attitude, constant thoughts of complaint, powerlessness, isolation, blockages. There is a strong association between cancer and feeling lonely, socially isolated, or grieving after the death of a loved one. Depression and insufficient sleep are stressful. (31, 37, 38, 61, 62, 79)
Inflammation (often caused by stress).
Lack of physical activity. The modern lifestyle involves long periods of sitting and inactivity. Exercise need not be strenuous, but the human body needs to walk and move for several hours every day. Inactivity is deadly. (83)
Lack of oxygen. At sea level, pristine air comprises 20% oxygen. In urban areas, where vehicles, heaters, power stations and other exhausts spew carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere, the oxygen level falls to around 10%. When combined with low levels of physical activity, most people simply do not get enough oxygen.
Deficiency of vitamin D and sunlight. Having sufficient vitamin D protects against all types of cancer. (46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 91, 98, 99)
High fat diet - mainly as a cause of non-melanoma skin cancers. A study (60) reported that associations between total fat consumption and the incidence of breast, colon, and prostate cancer appeared to be independent of total caloric intake or the ratio of polyunsaturated fat to saturated fat. In general, the effects of calories are thought to be restricted largely to tumour initiation, whereas fat exerts its principal effect on tumour promotion and growth. Certainly, the effect on the incidence of actinic keratosis reported (60) appears to be related predominantly to the reduction in fat intake and to be independent of caloric intake. In the dietary-intervention group calories from fat were replaced with calories from other sources to prevent reductions in body weight. (55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60)
Early in the development of life upon the earth, mitochondria existed as separate, independent bacteria. Through a twist of fate, one of these bacteria found its way into another cell, where it continued to live. When this cell reproduced, it reproduced with the mitochondrial bacterium included. This relationship proved advantageous for both the mitochondria and the host cell. The mitochondria specialised in producing energy, and the host cell specialised in all the other aspects of cellular health and reproduction.
Mitochondria got so good at manufacturing ATP (adenosine triphosphate, the cell's energy molecule) that they were incorporated to power every animal. At any time, an adult human has about 250 grams (9oz) of ATP stored in its cells. What is amazing is how rapidly this ATP is produced and used - every day a human produces and uses their body weight in ATP.
The production of ATP requires oxygen and produces free radicals. To neutralise these damaging free radicals, mitochondria produce antioxidants uric acid, glutathione, lipoic acid, vitamins C and E, and antioxidant enzymes.
It follows that damaged or aged mitochondria do not produce sufficient energy, and do not fully neutralise free radicals. Both toxins and viruses can damage a cell's mitochondria.
Causes of damage to mitochondria
- Polyunsaturated fats. These are the golden vegetable oils lined up in your supermarket. They include canola, corn, cottonseed, flax seed, grape, mustard, nut oils, safflower, sesame, (all seed oils), soy and sunflower oils. Polyunsaturated fats are very hard on your liver and are associated with various liver diseases (7), cancers, and many other modern degenerative diseases. Avoid Omega-6 oils. (8, 9)
Use saturated fats instead of the above. Ghee, tallow, lard and goose fat are all healthy fats that both prevent and heal cancers. Coconut oil may be suitable, but it has some severe limitations. Palm oil is somewhat similar to coconut oil. Butter and cream are dairy products, not suitable for a cancer-healing diet - see below. (32, 33, 40) - Sugar, refined carbohydrates, processed food. Fructose (fruit sugar, HFCS high fructose corn syrup) is particularly toxic and is very hard on your liver. Do not eat a high fruit diet, especially sweet and dried fruits. Avoid fruit juices, and make your own vegetable juice instead.
- Dairy products, especially low-fat or sweetened yogurt, ice cream and factory-made dairy products.
- GM foods.
- Grains and legumes. Excessive use in the diet, not fresh, not whole, refined, not properly prepared (legumes must be soaked for several hours and thoroughly cooked). Do not eat soy beans or unfermented soy products, especially white soy products like tofu and soy milk.
- Damaged gut biome. A study published in November 2017 showed that a relative abundance of Ruminococcaceae, Faecalibacterium and Clostridiales were associated with significantly better outcomes in melanoma patients. (29)
- Infections. A variety of viruses, bacteria and parasites are associated with cancers. Examples of cancer-causing viruses include human papillomavirus, Epstein-Barr, human herpesvirus 8, hepatitis B and C, and Human T-cell leukaemia. Some bacteria that reside in dental plaque (calculus or tartar) such as Fusobacterium nucleatum can migrate to other parts of the body where they cause serious ailments such as colon cancer. (93)
- Stress. Extended periods of unrelenting stress and isolation are dangerous. However, short periods of stress that are resolved within hours may not be a problem at all. Deliberate short periods of stress such as fasting, ice baths, cold showers and exercise to the point of pain may be very positive if done under supervision in the correct circumstances. (35, 36, 37, 38, 79)
- Lack of sufficient and regular sleep. (67) Insomnia can be treated, and shift work should be avoided by those at risk. (11) Shift workers have double the risk of getting cancers.
- Acidity. Tumours have an acidic pH, and require an acidic environment to develop. Tumour invasion does not occur in regions with normal pH. (10) Note that the lactic acid produced by cancer cells is the effect and not the cause, as explained later in this article.
- Ultraviolet light. Excessive sunlight or ultraviolet light that burns the skin. You have had too much sun if your skin turns just a little red. If it gets very red and later blisters or peels, this is a level of sun exposure that is harmful and has a high risk of causing a skin cancer or actinic keatosis on the burnt site years later. Remember however, that a lack of sufficient exposure to the sun is a cause of cancer - see Remedies below.
- Toxins and pollutants. Tobacco smoking is associated with 90% of lung cancer (1, 2). However, there is evidence that after stopping smoking, the lungs can heal significantly and lower the risk of cancer. (48)
Alcohol is associated with 10% of cancers in males and 3% of cancers in females in Western Europe (3, 30).
Cancer related to people's occupation is estimated to represent between 2-20% of all cases. (4) Every year, at least 200,000 people die worldwide from cancer caused by toxins such as benzene and a wide range of other pollutants. Most cancer deaths caused by occupational risk factors occur in the developed world. - Physical agents. Asbestos, nanoparticles (see sunscreens), exhaust fumes (particularly diesel), glass wool and rock wool can cause lung cancer if inhaled. Powdered metallic nickel, cobalt and crystal silica (quartz) are dangerous, but probably require years of exposure.
- Hormones. Abnormal levels of hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. Growth hormones, hormone replacement therapy, and hormones related to stress (particularly prolonged elevated cortisol) may cause cancers. (79) Dairy products (32, 33, 40) are hormonal foods - meant to make infant animals grow, not to provide food for humans.
- High fat diet. "A high fat intake increases the likelihood of skin cancer after exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and changing to a low-fat diet after exposure can reduce the incidence of skin cancer." (55, 56, 57, 58, 59)
- Radiation. The most dangerous form of radiation is ionising (for example x-rays, radioactive elements), though some forms of non-ionising radiation are dangerous (ultra violet light, microwaves). Children and adolescents are twice as likely to develop radiation-induced leukaemia as adults; radiation exposure before birth has ten times the effect. (6) See also 4G and 5G EMF radiation.
Why oncologists don't get it, and don't want to get it
In 1971 US president Nixon declared war on cancer. With taxpayer support and a massive budget, Americans believed it would take only a few years to find a general cure for cancer. Nearly half a century later, cancer is the second biggest cause of death in America and could soon be the first. What went wrong?
Under the Western medical system, and particularly in the USA, cancer is an extraordinarily profitable disease to treat. In the USA in 2017, a course of radiation therapy cost $7,500-$26,000. Chemotherapy can cost between $5,000 and $30,000 per month. Newly approved cancer drugs cost between $10,000 and $30,000 per month. Doctors and oncologists are paid a percentage of the drugs and treatments that they recommend.
Pharmaceutical companies, with their immense wealth and lobbying power, now control their own regulators, all medical regulators and associations, university teaching and curricula, and the funds for most cancer research.
At present the majority view is that cancer is a genetic disease. This is what doctors are taught, this is how current medical treatments are oriented, and this is what pharmaceutical companies want us to believe. If researchers can identify the specific genes that cause each type of cancer, then it becomes possible to develop patented pharmaceutical and genetic treatments. This is the Holy Grail of cancer research, because patented products that patients and their loved ones believe can save their life are so profitable. Witness a number of new drugs in 2017 priced at over $100,000 per patient per year.
Unfortunately for the various cancer industries, the explanation that cancer is a genetic disease does not stack up. Cancers are a hotchpotch of different growths that seem impossible to tie down to specific genes. The failure of the immune system to destroy the first few cancer cells, the mechanism by which they take hold and grow, and the way they move to other parts of the body (metastasis), does not make sense from a genetic point of view.
3BP is an effective treatment using the energy model
In the late 1990s a molecular biologist Young Hee Ko realised that all cancer cells needed a way to get rid of the large quantities of lactic acid they were producing while fermenting glucose. She surmised that a molecule by the name of 3-bromopyruvate had a structure similar to lactic acid and could enter cancer cells with ease. In her laboratory she confirmed that 3BP did indeed enter cancer cells, and it killed cancer cells more effectively than any other known cancer drug or molecule, especially when combined with other chemotherapeutic agents. 3BP worked with every type of cancer she tested: brain, breast, colon, kidney, liver, lung, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate and skin. Her tests also showed that 3BP attacked only cancer cells, and left other cells intact. (86)
Starting in 2002, as Ko tried to move her research forward and eventually into human trials, she suffered a series of political, administrative and legal attacks that resulted in her termination as a cancer researcher and the effective loss of her 3BP patents.
In the Netherlands in 2009 the first human trial of 3BP finally confirmed its total effectiveness. Ko's patented formulation was injected by a specialist into the liver of a near-terminal liver cancer patient. Eight months later, the only signs of cancer around his body were the remains of the now-dead tumours. (20) However, funding problems and lawsuits held up further trials.
A number of alternative cancer clinics started using 3BP for cancer treatment. However, the suspicious deaths of several people who were treated with 3BP at a cancer centre in Germany has put even the unapproved use of 3BP on hold. German authorities have reason to believe that the patients at this clinic died under suspicious circumstances, and the investigation is still under way.
3BP is a cheap cancer therapy. The cost of the 3BP itself for a full treatment is around $100. (20, 27, 73, 85, 86, 87, 88)
Anthelmintic benzimidazole drugs
Scientists and medical researchers have known for decades that some anthelmintic (anti-parasite) drugs are an effective cancer treatment. Their anti-cancer properties were documented years ago. (65) It seems that they interfere with the ability of cancer cells to use glucose as their fuel. Unfortunately there is no money available for further research using these cheap, patent-expired old drugs.
Anthelmintic drugs have been used for more than sixty years to treat gastrointestinal parasites like giardia, roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and pinworms. Merck pharmaceuticals started using anthelmintic drugs in 1961 for farm animals, and human use soon followed. Fenbendazole was initially used in the animal products and mebendazole in deworming products for humans. Fenbendazole is administered orally in both large and small animals including dogs, pigs, cats, cattle, horses, rabbits and fish. When used as directed it is considered safe.
Fenbendazole, mebendazole and albendazole are a group of drugs called benzimidazoles, which have been used as anthelmintics. While human observations are limited, one study found that a single oral dose of fenbendazole of up to 2,000 mg per person, or 500 mg per person for 10 consecutive days, were well-tolerated and safe. (63)
There don't seem to be any published human clinical trials on fenbendazole. It was never officially approved for human use, is sold for veterinary use without a prescription, and its patent has expired. For these reasons it is made by generic drug manufacturers, is dirt cheap, and there is no money available for further research or investigation.
Mebendazole was approved for human use but its patent has expired. It requires a prescription and is one of only two drugs approved to treat human pinworms. The fact that it was approved for human use decades ago means that studies are available. (64) Of course, there is no money to investigate its use as a cancer treatment.
The takeaway here is that we have an inexpensive, effective, safe, readily-available class of compounds that have been shown to both prevent and reverse many forms of cancer, but which remain unapproved or prohibited.
Cancer remedies / treatments / prevention
Cancer is a serious disease. Some types of cancer such as melanoma are urgently life-threatening, and most cancers can lead to more severe complications if left untreated. If a cancer is suspected, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment. Natural remedies should not replace conventional treatment and should be discussed with your healthcare provider.
- Fasting. If I had cancer, I would start with a long, strict fast - perhaps a couple of weeks. (68) This must be done under the supervision of a health practitioner familiar with this type of fasting. It would also depend on whether I was strong enough to withstand a long strict fast.
Cancer cells need good hydration to replicate, and you can take advantage of this characteristic by doing dry fasts rather than wet fasts if you have cancer. Dry fasting increases the effectiveness of fasting as a cancer treatment by several times. (100, 101)
There is no possibility that the pharmaceutical industry can make money from the use of fasting. If everybody started eating less, and eating only one meal each day, cancer would largely disappear from the planet. But this is not going to happen - the giant food industries are pressing food upon their consumers until food is literally raining down upon people all day and all night too. According to Veech, (25, 26) "ketosis is the normal physiological state. It is not normal to have a McDonalds on every corner. It is normal to starve." - At the very least, eliminate sugar and high glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates, which the body turns into sugar.
- Time-restricted diet (also called circadian fasting). Do not eat anything whatsoever or drink anything other than water (and drink less water than normal) for at least twelve hours per day. It is important that you consume nothing except a little water during this fasting window. Even an unsweetened cup of black coffee or herbal tea is NOT allowed. Water is the only thing that does not start up IGF1, insulin and other hormonal systems.
Carbohydrate concentration is a fasting technique that I discuss in Grow Youthful. It has almost the same benefits as a time-restricted diet, and is even easier to do. - Ketogenic diet. A strict restrictive ketogenic diet is probably the most effective thing you can do to treat and reverse any cancer. Start with a few days of fasting to put the body into a state of ketosis. When food is introduced, a strict ketogenic diet is maintained for a period of weeks or months. Ketogenic fasting should be done under the guidance of an experienced practitioner.
With cancer being a disease of energy metabolism, it follows that lowering blood glucose levels should be the main treatment for cancer. By far the most effective fasting treatment for cancer is a strict restrictive ketogenic diet. Ketone bodies can only burn oxidatively, they cannot be fermented. Ketones can only be used and metabolised by healthy mitochondria. Cancer cells don't have many functioning mitochondria so they get their energy by fermenting glucose. Therefore, a strict ketogenic diet effectively starves cancer cells. (27, 28, 34, 68, 84)
Fasting also prepares normal, healthy cells to withstand toxic assault (including chemotherapy).
After maintaining a strict restrictive ketogenic diet for a limited period and the cancer is in remission, a near-ketogenic diet should be maintained. After transition from an addictive sugar and refined carbohydrate diet, a near-ketogenic diet provides steady energy all day, and feelings of inappropriate hunger disappear. It is easy to maintain for the rest of your life. It dramatically lowers your risk of getting cancer (and many other diseases). This is the way of eating I discuss in Grow Youthful.
A cancer-preventing diet includes plenty of fresh vegetables, such as leafy greens, broccoli and a wide variety of others. Animal, poultry and fish products are wild, grass-fed or free-ranging, and fresh (some forms of traditional processing without any modern additives are acceptable). Avoid farmed fish and fish from polluted waters. Protein consumption should be low because high protein stimulates the production of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and mTOR, which cause ageing and disease and are associated with cancers. (40) Most adults eat too much protein, especially if they are not vegetarians and eat meat, fish and other animal products.
Eliminate dairy products especially low fat milk, store-bought yogurts, non-artisan cheeses, all products containing milk powders, milk solids, whey, casein, caseinates, lactose and protein powders - the worst being ice cream, sweet yogurts and low-fat dairy products. (32, 33, 40) - Vitamin D. Sufficient vitamin D is essential for good health and protection and recovery from cancer. (46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 98, 99) For example, a study published in 2018 showed that women with good levels of vitamin D were 80% less likely to have breast cancer. (53)
- Low fat diet. Reduce fat intake to less than 20% of calories. (55, 56, 57, 58, 59)
- Oxygen therapy. Oxygen destroys cancer cells. Raise oxygen levels throughout the body with exercise, oxygen breathing, ozone therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and oxygen-donating supplements. (21, 24) Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in a chamber several times per week is highly recommended. Basically you want as much oxygen going through your body as possible. Aerobic exercise (as appropriate, and under doctor approval) is good. There are several oxygen-providing products on the market, where a few drops in a glass of water are taken. Cell Food (TM) is one of these products, and is discussed below.
- Broccoli sprouts contain several compounds that promote autophagy, prevent metastasis, and provide a great food for prevention of, and recovery from cancer. The most important compound is sulforaphane, and broccoli sprouts are the richest known source. (69, 70) You can grow broccoli sprouts yourself as the seeds and instructions are readily available. Broccoli sprouts are also available in many shops.
Here is a simple tip to triple the effectiveness of sulforaphane: warm it to 70C or 158F. The temperature must not be higher than this or you will destroy the sulforaphane. Put the sprouts in this 70C warm water and leave them for 10 minutes. Then they are ready to eat or add to your salad! - Movement and exercise. Inactivity is a cause of numerous degenerative diseases, including various cancers. Any movement is highly beneficial if you are mostly inactive. But the biggest benefits in protecting against and recovering from all sorts of cancers comes from intense exercise. (83) A breakthrough study (17) in 2016 showed that intense exercise reduced tumour growth by 60-70%. Regular exercise gives your immune system a boost and protects against cancer through numerous pathways. (16, 17)
- Stress management. Plenty of research (for example 35, 36, 37, 38, 61, 62, 79) shows that managing stress in all its different forms, greatly assists with cancer prevention and recovery, and good health and joyful life in general. Emotionally positive work, surrender, prayer/meditation, connection, truth, taking charge, taking responsibility, social support, a higher power, gratefulness, humility, living in the moment rather than past/future, self-esteem and really getting to know oneself are all part of a richer life without continual stress.
- Antioxidants. The immune system requires oxidants to destroy cancer cells. An excessive level of antioxidants can actually CAUSE cancer. Supplementation with antioxidants, particularly while treating cancer, is most likely harmful. (23)
A 2019 study showed that antioxidants stimulate lung cancer metastasis. (43) - Vitamin C. High-dose intravenous vitamin C effectively targets and destroys cancer cells. (15) A minimum dose is 30 mcg per kg of body weight. Other studies show that oral vitamin C may also have a less effective, but more convenient role in cancer treatment. (15) A relatively new development is liposomal vitamin C, which is taken orally and rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, avoiding the problems normally caused by high dose oral vitamin C (poor absorption and diarrhoea). This means that liposomal vitamin C may be a substitute for intravenous vitamin C. Pharmaceutical drug companies cannot patent vitamins, so are doing all they can to discredit vitamin C cancer treatment.
Note: I have not reconciled that fact that vitamin C is an antioxidant, and that antioxidants should not be supplemented while treating cancer, as described elsewhere on this Grow Youthful cancer page. Probably the benefits of using vitamin C outweigh its harm. - DMSO is an effective but unacknowledged cancer treatment. It is a powerful free radical scavenger and detoxifying agent. It can pass through body tissue and individual cells in the body taking other medications with it. DMSO is a cancer remedy by itself and more so when combined with other cancer remedies, even reducing the toxic effects of chemotherapy. MSM, also a simple sulphur molecule, may be used with DMSO. (72)
DMSO may be particularly useful in preventing metastasis of cancers. (89) - Iodine. Lugol's iodine can be used to cure and remove skin cancers with topical application. It can also be used for a wide variety of other cancers. In the case of breast cancer the Lugol's can be rubbed on to the skin of the breasts and it will penetrate deeply and temporarily saturate the tissue with iodine. This saturation seems to both destroy pathogens and to remove tumours. (45)
- Probiotics.
- Milkweed. For skin cancers, milkweed (Euphorbia peplus) is a fast and effective remedy that leaves little or no scarring.
- Cell Food (TM) induces apoptosis in human mesothelioma and colorectal cancer cells. Hint: the study says that its effectiveness is dose-dependent. I personally have used it neat on my skin, and it stung as it worked. (54)
- Black salve. A cancer treatment primarily for skin cancers. It has no side effects except for pain or itching as it destroys tumours and cancerous cells, and sometimes a Herxheimer reaction as cancerous cells die off and a toxic debris overload is released into the bloodstream.
Black salve is applied once to the skin, and is most effective if the cancer is on or close to the skin. In some cases it may need reapplication. It is not effective for deep or systemic cancers.
All over the western world, pharmaceutical companies have successfully lobbied to have black salve outlawed - it is just too effective and cheap a competitor. It is no longer possible to buy it on the internet for human use. Even videos showing how to make your own have been taken down and banned. Worse, there are some black salve recipes on the internet which are fabricated, deceitful and just plain wrong, and I believe the seeding of the internet with these false recipes is a deliberate strategy to discredit this effective remedy. - Chlorine dioxide. (42)
- Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG).
- Copper sufficiency. (74, 75, 76, 77, 78)
- Autophagy. A person who does not have cancer should promote autophagy, the clean-up and recycling of dead, old and damaged cells. However, someone who already has cancer should try to inhibit rather than promote autophagy. The reason is that autophagy provides and directs recycled nutrients and resources toward cancer cells. (92)
Autophagy inhibitors include stony sponge, a natural sponge used for household cleaning; apigenin, a flavonoid found in parsley, chamomile, vine spinach and oregano; turmeric; black cumin seed; Thunder of god vine (Tripterygium wilfordii), used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat rheumatoid arthritis and other maladies; hydroxychloroquine (also used by conventional medicine to treat rheumatoid arthritis) and high levels of retinol (vitamin A). - 3BP, see above.
- Healthy teeth and gums. Clean teeth properly and regularly, do not allow the formation of dental plaque, maintain healthy gums. Certain species of mouth bacteria migrate around the body and cause cancer. (93)
- Frankincense (olibanum). (12, 66) Some of the healing molecules in frankincense essential oil can pass through the blood brain barrier. Several compounds have been identified that have anti-tumour properties, and also prevent and treat skin cancers. (66) Other essential oils also have cancer-healing properties: melaleuca (tea tree oil), commiphora (myrrh), rosemary, lavender and many other essential oils. Some of the oils have similar qualities to each other, and sometimes the determining factor in their selection is being able to get the purest, highest quality oil at a price you can afford, also determined by what is available fresh and local.
- Cayenne pepper to treat prostate cancer. (90, 91)
- Citrus peel. Blend a whole medium-sized lemon with some water, and drink this every day. (80, 81, 82)
- Sodium Bicarbonate. A 2012 study (10) shows that baking soda is an effective tumour prevention and treatment.
- Berberine.
- Gum turpentine.
- Kerosene.
- Mushrooms, turkey tail. (71)
- BHT.
- Boron.
- Earthing or grounding.
- Ginger. A study (13) showed that one of the compounds in ginger is up to 10,000 times more effective than chemotherapy in destroying the cancer stem cells that make malignant tumours so dangerous. The compound, known as 6-shogaol, is produced when ginger roots are cooked or dried. The researchers found that 6-shogaol is active against cancer stem cells at concentrations that are harmless to healthy cells, in contrast to conventional chemotherapy which has horrible side effects largely because it kills healthy as well as cancerous cells. (14)
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