Perfect health - why not?
Because we buy crooked medicines, foods, advice and care.
You try to care for your body and your loved ones, you make an effort to buy healthy foods, you are intrigued by new announcements from pharmaceutical companies and scientific researchers, yet you are still tired and fuzzy and have several ailments. Why?
Most adults are not slim and strong and healthy. Even though most of us can afford to buy a trolley of food in the supermarket, popular medicines, a gym membership and an appointment with a doctor, we are fatter and sicker than ever. Why?
Because regulatory agencies are "captured" by the industries they are supposed to be regulating. The big corporates and big tech have wholesale captured every structure on which we depend.
Owning government regulators, manipulating scientific research publications, lobbying for grossly unfair and one-sided laws, control and spin of all the media, bribery and threats ("lobbying"), and outright corruption is now the everyday way of doing business for big food, big pharma, big supplements, big health care and big personal care.
Small and family businesses are more likely to produce traditional foods and products that have integrity. However, the laws are so heavily stacked in favour of the big players that everyone else cannot compete and often cannot survive.
Genuinely healthy foods and medicines are deliberately discredited or even outlawed. Low cost (or no cost) ways of caring for yourself and your loved ones are lost or forgotten. People are taught and brainwashed to assume that good health is expensive. Big business does everything it can to hide traditional, safe, cheap and really effective ways of caring for your body.
Thirteen golden rules for profitable processed foods (black humour, but completely truthful).
1. Addictive. If you can make your foods addictive you will lock in profits, year after year. Your customers will also eat more. Sugar is the cheapest and most addictive ingredient, especially fructose or high fructose corn syrup. Other hard-to-give-up ingredients commonly used include highly-refined salt, caffeine, caseinates and casomorphins. Your goal is not to satisfy, but rather to induce repeated purchases.
2. Long shelf life. Ideally your food is tough and inert, so it won't be damaged in rough transport, and will last in harsh conditions for years. Avoid soft, delicate perishables which cut deeply into your profits because they need gentle handling, cooling, care and attention.
Golden rules for profitable pharmaceutical drugs (more truthful black humour).
1. Do NOT cure the ailment! A cured patient is a lost profit stream.
2. Rapidly relieve the symptoms of an ailment immediately after taking a pill. Relief continues for only a limited time until the next dose is due.
3. Lock in the customer. Keep the patient as a customer for the remainder of his or her life. The best drugs are difficult to discontinue.
4. Have monopoly pricing. This is achieved with a secure patent, being available only under pharma company and doctor control,
Graduation address to new medical doctors.
Every new doctor needs to read this, and more importantly, every person thinking of going into medicine.
Congratulations to all of you as new doctors of medicine. It has been a long and hard journey, much longer than nearly every other degree you could have chosen. Even after your graduation today, you still have a year or two of internship, and perhaps years of specialisation if you so choose.
You were among the brightest, most intelligent school leavers. Those of you who started medicine as mature-age students passed all the tests,
Most supplements are not helpful, may even be harmful.
If you are:
- healthy, and have an effective digestive system
- live in a place that has rich soils with a good variety of trace elements
- live in a pristine area (not subject to high levels of pollution)
- enjoy a diet exclusively of local and organic foods
- eat a variety of nutrient-dense foods
Why I don't use sunscreens.
I personally do not use sunscreens, for several reasons. Remember, your body can absorb substances from your skin. Want to test that? Crush a clove of garlic and rub it on the soles of your feet. Put some socks on and leave it there for an hour. Then ask someone to smell your breath or under your arms. Garlic!
I do not trust the chemicals sunscreens contain, so choose not to put them on my skin.
I also have a saying that you should be willing to eat anything you rub onto your skin. Would you be willing to put your sunscreen in your mouth?
Tips for extraordinary health and long life.
Beware of advice when those giving that advice are making money out of it.
5G cell / mobile phone EMF radiation
Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR)
Alkaline water - good or bad?
Attitude and traits for a long life
Bacteria, red meat, and heart disease
A list of remedies that the big players would prefer to hide and discredit.
Apple cider vinegar
Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
Blood thinners (natural)
In Grow Youthful I detail many other remedies that are miraculously successful, but which few people know about.
Health at any age
- Ailments & Remedies. Traditional, safe, effective home remedies that REALLY work! See participants comments and votes on which work best.
- Take the biological age test. Your biological age is is the age that most normal people would be when they have a body and mind similar to yours. Another test estimates how fast you are aging, given your current habits.
- Take the ayurvedic body type test. You'll get an uncannily accurate assessment of your problem areas, and a detailed list of recommendations of the foods, climate, work-style, relationships, exercise level, lifestyle and much more, that will suit you.
- Grow Youthful: How to Slow Your Aging and Enjoy Extraordinary Health will show you everything you can do today, at this stage in the evolution of anti-aging research, to slow or even reverse your aging. Learn how you can improve all your facilities - both physical and mental - and grow more youthful as you age.
- Grow Youthful Recipe Book uses all the important principles for great health and longevity. Simple recipes to keep you slim and youthful.
How to Slow Your Aging and Enjoy Extraordinary Health
My research shows that it is possible to live well beyond 100 years. Importantly, your later years need not be feeble years of senility.
My goal is longevity with full functionality. I'll show you how to lower your biological age by 10 or 20 years.
(random selection each time you view)
"Dear David, I am an Australian-trained doctor currently living in China where I've been based for three years. Since moving here I've definitely felt the aging process creep up on me, Shanghai is the most stressful place health-wise I've ever lived! The air is heavily-polluted most days, all water is bottled/filtered, it's very hard to feel confident about how one's food is produced (even that labeled 'organic' is not reliable) and we have a food scandal nearly every week related to growing/production/distribution of food (chicken, pork and fish are all off the menu for me due to the very questionable use in China of massive amounts of steroids/hormones - and you may have heard of the milk scandal where several children died). So living healthily is a challenge and after my very healthy life in Australia I was really feeling it. After a bit of net-searching however I found your site, and as I was brought up to be open-minded about health I ordered your book. Well, what a great book, full of great, practical, sensible advice, possibly the best thing I've read in years - or ever - on something that occupies all our thoughts as we get older. I've only quickly skimmed the book but love what I see, especially on the mind/body connect (why don't we doctors appreciate this more??) and can't wait to read it more thoroughly. So thank you David, your research abilities, intellectual rigor and passion really show and I'm just so pleased we can all benefit from that! Warm regards,"
Dr - - (Australian-trained doctor living in Shanghai, China
"Open it at any page, and it will tell you a world of knowledge and wisdom"
Sunny Strobel, Perth, Australia
"I purchased your Grow Youthful book and must say that it changed my life. At the time I was suffering from multiple ailments and resorting to heavy medication to alleviate my symptoms. Your book helped in successfully going the more natural way and I am very grateful."
Fareed Esmail, Spain
"I wish everyone could read this wonderful book. I had no idea how far "off the mark" were my beliefs about healthy living, diet and medicines. So many common foods and products that I was using, like products made from soy, low fat dairy products, sunscreens, and certain vegetable oils, had actually made me very ill. I just had no idea.
David's book was so convincing that I immediately took action as I read it. Within a couple of days some of my complaints started to improve, and after a month the changes to my state of health were nothing short of miraculous!
Thank you so much David, for your courageous work."
Susan Gardner, New York City, USA
Today's Quote (updated daily)
In the last few decades, we have been immersed in a sea of new electromagnetic pollution from sources such as household and business electrical supply cables, high voltage power grid cables, transformers, radio and television broadcasts, microwaves from phone company links, mobile and cordless phones, microwave ovens, and radiation from television and computer wireless internet connections.
I want to make the world a happier place by exposing what is happening to our health.